
Ekiben from Kyoto: Ride the Rails Satisfied


As a break from our usual blog entries that focus on sweets, today our focus will be on MEAT!

One of the highlights of traveling by bullet train around Japan is getting to try the different regional ekiben, or “station bento box lunches”. While eating on normal, local trains in Japan is a no-no, traveling by bullet train is a long-distance, somewhat time-consuming affair, so tray tables are provided, and many people eat lunch on the bullet trains. And as many of you visiting Kyoto may come here by bullet train, I’ll explore one ekiben option available to you.

First off, where can you buy ekiben? You can get your hands on these babies at various convenience stores around Kyoto station (or other stations that serve as bullet train hubs), and there are even special shops that sell exclusively ekiben near the bullet train boarding areas.

Japanese people love seasonal and regional foods, so at Kyoto station you’ll find various ekiben that make extensive use of Kyoto ingredients. You can also find a few ekiben from nearby areas such as Kobe or Osaka.

The ekiben on today’s menu: the popular Kyoto Gyuzen, or “Kyoto Beef Dish”!

What makes this beef dish uniquely from Kyoto, you ask? Well, it’s the black seven spices seasoning and the suguki-zuke which is a unique type of pickled radish. The tender beef is served on top of rice mixed with strips of egg. The bento overall is flavored slightly sweet as to resemble sukiyaki, yet it’s not too greasy. (Ah, I’m all about sweets after all.) This is a great ekiben if you have a hankering for something filling yet not too heavy.

So whether you’re riding the bullet train back from a glorious trip to the beautiful Kyoto, or you just want to taste some good ol’ ekiben, give Kyoto Gyuzen a try!